This page is intended to indicate which industry associations and bodies have published guidance and standards that includes Cybersecurity. No information is given on unpublished standards as this may violate copyright or rules of regulatory bodies.  This page will remain under development as further information is added.

Open Networking User Group (

Fostering the exploration of strategic challenges/solutions facing world-class organization technology leaders. This includes the Cloud Security Notification Framework (CSNF)  and Cloud Security Working Group/Zero Trust projects, Network as a Service projects.

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)

The organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. Projects include Zero Trust, IoT, Critical Infrastructure.

Previously Metro Ethernet Form   

Previously. The Metro Ethernet Form , The MEF has produced 100+ standards adopted service providers including those with security attributes. Security related: MEF 118 Zero Trust attributes to MEF services, MEF 117 SASE Services.

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)  

Making the Internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. Many security related RFCs – the archaically named “Request for Comment(!). These include RFC 6749 – the OAuth authentication 2.0 specification.

The home of Passkeys. Based on FIDO standards, passkeys are a replacement for passwords that provide faster, easier, and more secure sign-ins to websites and apps across a user’s devices. Unlike passwords, passkeys are always strong and phishing-resistant.​

Standardizing consumer and business  Internet services worldwide.

Exponential Organizations (

Developer of a unique management consulting ecosystem empowering every organization to harness exponential growth.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Famous for the standardization of Ethernet 20 years ago following its invention by Xerox with help from Intel and Digital and modern Wi-Fi. The development of MACsec security encryption is an important industry  contribution. It’s a leader in engineering and technology education, providing resources for pre-university, university, and continuing professional education. 

ITU-T, the standards arm of the International Telecommunication  Union (ITU-T)

The standards arm of the ITU focuses on optical and electric standards for network communication.

Intelligent network testing, monitoring and observation.

Git Hub (

The world’s primary source for open source software has become the repsoitory for secure code.

The Linux Foundation helps open technology projects build world class open source software, communities and companies